IQ Live Stream - TONIGHT
IQ are showing another live stream in conjunction with De Boerderij in Zoetermeer Holland.
Mike Holmes: "We really did think that by this time we’d be treading the boards once again to celebrate 40 years of IQ with you all. Whilst live shows are beginning to feel ‘just around the corner’ (hopefully) we’re still not quite able to get back to the live performances just yet.
As a stop gap we’ve got together with Arie at the Boerderij to join in with their ‘Live Stream’ series. This time we’ve managed to dig up the previously unseen video of the IQ30 celebration show from the 2011 IQ weekend. We streamed the first night (featuring the complete ‘Subterranea’ show) as part of our online Christmas bash in December. This time we’ll be featuring the second night - the IQ30 celebration show itself which includes a performance of the Tales From The Lush Attic album in its entirety alongside other highlights from the back catalogue. Look forward to seeing you all there and, as always, in the bar afterwards!"
Use this LINK to access the stream.