IQ Resistance - Update
There seems to be some malevolent, anti-prog force in the ether recently! As you may have gathered we’ve had quite a few problems with the pressing of the new album ‘Resistance’. The idea was that all the pre-orders would be safely delivered a week before the official release date, but unfortunately that date had to be amended because we ran out of time in the studio and had to spend another two weeks mixing. After that we went ahead and pressed an initial run of 10,000 CDs only to find that there was a problem with disc one and they ALL had to be repressed! We discovered this the day AFTER the launch gig in Islington where we had already sold a considerable amount of CDs (if you bought a copy there we’re happy to replace disc one for you if you get in touch via the GEP site).
On the vinyl side of things we were HOPING that we’d have the vinyl delivered to us by now, and naturally delivered out to all the pre-orders, but of course the studio had a knock on effect with that pressing and, as you may know, the world of vinyl pressing moves veerry slooowly indeed… we’re still waiting for delivery of the vinyl and will do all we can to make sure we get them out to everyone as quickly as possible.
So, apologies to all of you who have pre-ordered Resistance - we’ve had a few ‘enquiries’ about the delay and we do understand how frustrating it is! We’ve heard that all the CD pre-orders have now been posted (with the shiny new repressings) and once the vinyl arrives we’ll make a special effort to get it out to you, barring the odd cup of tea of course.
The new, official, official release date for the CDs is now 11th October (yes, still 2019…) and the vinyl release date is, er, when we get ‘em (we’re told ‘mid to late October’ by the pressing plant).